1930s Fashion Illustrations
Last updated on August 31st, 2024 at 08:23 am
- Vintage Fashion illustrations
- January 1930
- February 1930
- March 1930
- May 1930 Fashion
- June 1930 Fashion
- July 1930 Fashion
- August 1930
- September 1930
- October 1930
- November 1930 Fashion
- December 1930 Fashion
- 1931 Fashion Illustrations
- January 1931 Fashion
- February 1931 Fashion
- March 1931 Fashion
- April 1930 Fashion
- May 1931 Fashion
- June 1931 Fashion
- July 1931 Fashion
- August 1931 Fashion
- September 1931 Fashion
- November 1931 Fashion
- December 1931 Fashion
- 1932 Fashion illustrations
- October 1932 Fashion Illustrations
- November 1932 Fashion Illustrations
- December 1932 Fashion Illustrations
- 1933 Fashion illustrations
- January 1933 Fashion
- February 1933 Fashion
- March 1933 Fashion
- April 1933 Fashion
- May 1933 Fashion
- June 1933 Fashion
- July 1933 Fashion
- August 1933 Fashion
- September 1933 Fashion
- October 1933 Fashion
- November 1933 Fashion
- December 1933 Fashion
- 1934 Fashion illustrations
- January 1934
- February 1934
- March 1934
- April 1934
- May 1934
- June 1934
- July 1934
- August 1934
- September 1934
- October 1934 Fashion
- November 1934 Fashion
- December 1934 Fashion
- 1935 Fashion illustrations
- January 1935
- 1936 Fashion Illustrations
- February 1936 Fashion
- March 1936 Fashion
- April 1936 Fashion
- May 1936 Fashion
- June 1936 Fashion
- July 1936 Fashion
- August 1936 Fashion
- October 1936 Fashion
- November 1936 Fashion
- December 1936 Fashion
- 1937 Fashion Illustrations
- January 1937 Fashion
- February 1937 Fashion
- March 1937 Fashion
- April 1937 Fashion
- May 1937 Fashion
- June 1937 Fashion
- July 1937 Fashion
- August 1937 Fashion
- September 1937 Fashion
- October 1937 Fashion
- November 1937 Fashion
- December 1937 Fashion
- 1938 Fashion Illustrations
- January 1938 Fashion
- February 1938 Fashion
- March 1938 Fashion
- May 1938 Fashion
- June 1938 Fashion
- July 1938 Fashion
- September 1938 Fashion
- December 1938 Fashion
- 1939 Fashion Illustrations
- September 1939 Fashion Illustrations
This visual feast consisting of over 100 1930s fashion illustrations is a bonus to my popular article on how-to-date vintage clothing. I hope that this post will help with your fashion history research or be an inspiration for your vintage outfit ideas because let’s face it, there is nothing better than the 1930s styles.
Additionally, I created for you ten PDFs with over 600 illustrations depicting the fashion from January 1930 till September 1939. I hope you will appreciate the free gift that took me an entire week to finish. Sign up for my newsletter to receive free 30s fashion illustrations.
The main problem of the chic life is having the right clothes to wear in the temperature one happens to prefer at the time. In June you must have special clothes for London and Ascot. In January, you find yourself setting out for the Lido, with the proper nakedness to catch the sun. You may have to get some shooting togs for October in Scotland, and there are the proper evening clothes for playing roulette in Biarritz in March.
And Madame is attractive. No one, however jealous of her leisurely life, could dare to deny it. Sometimes she gets too fat or too thin. Sometimes she has nerves and develops wrinkles. But all of these things can be kept in shape by massage, facials, doctors, and whatnot. A group of chic women, beautifully dressed, in perfect taste for the occasion, clean and well-groomed, are about as seductive a picture as the heart could wish.
Elizabeth Hawes, Fashion is Spinach, 1938
Vintage Fashion illustrations
January 1930
February 1930
March 1930
May 1930 Fashion
June 1930 Fashion
July 1930 Fashion
August 1930
September 1930
October 1930
November 1930 Fashion
December 1930 Fashion
1931 Fashion Illustrations
January 1931 Fashion
February 1931 Fashion
March 1931 Fashion
April 1930 Fashion
May 1931 Fashion
June 1931 Fashion
July 1931 Fashion
August 1931 Fashion
September 1931 Fashion
November 1931 Fashion
December 1931 Fashion
1932 Fashion illustrations
October 1932 Fashion Illustrations
November 1932 Fashion Illustrations
December 1932 Fashion Illustrations
1933 Fashion illustrations
January 1933 Fashion
February 1933 Fashion
March 1933 Fashion
April 1933 Fashion
May 1933 Fashion
June 1933 Fashion
July 1933 Fashion
August 1933 Fashion
September 1933 Fashion
October 1933 Fashion
November 1933 Fashion
December 1933 Fashion
1934 Fashion illustrations
January 1934
February 1934
March 1934
April 1934
May 1934
June 1934
July 1934
August 1934
September 1934
October 1934 Fashion
November 1934 Fashion
December 1934 Fashion
1935 Fashion illustrations
January 1935
1936 Fashion Illustrations
February 1936 Fashion
March 1936 Fashion
April 1936 Fashion
May 1936 Fashion
June 1936 Fashion
July 1936 Fashion
August 1936 Fashion
October 1936 Fashion
November 1936 Fashion
December 1936 Fashion
1937 Fashion Illustrations
January 1937 Fashion
February 1937 Fashion
March 1937 Fashion
April 1937 Fashion
May 1937 Fashion
June 1937 Fashion
July 1937 Fashion
August 1937 Fashion
September 1937 Fashion
The best that 1930s fashion had to offer!
October 1937 Fashion
Beautiful 1930s dream outfits!